practically universal experience for males and while not quite so pervasive in females, it is pretty common with them, too. But we are concerned here with males only, so we'll let the little GGs go. Now pretty obviously any little boy learning about this bodily pleasure before adolescence is hardly likely for forget it after adolescence though if he is fortunate enouch to get all the sexual outlet he needs in other ways his practice of masturbation may be minimal.
The third manifestation of sex (for heterosexual males and they are the only ones we are talking about) is intercourse with a female. That is an ambition of most adult males and is achieved in varying degrees of frequency and satisfaction. It isn't necessary to go into any details about this however.
Now what has all this interesting diversion got to do with cross dressing you may be asking? Well, the reason for mentioning sex experiences by themselves is to indicate that these activities during the pre and post-adolescent periods go on whether the individual cross dresses or not and certainly don't go on solely because of cross dressing. So what is the relationship between the two activities?
The simplest relationship is a fetishitic one to use a psychiatric term. In this situation, a young male has made an erotic attachment between some article(s) of clothing or some type of material such as satin, velvet, rubber, leather, etc. Thus handling, wearing, smelling or otherwise using the fetish item can greatly increase the sexual satis- faction whether obtained by masturbation or vaginal intercourse. For most fetishists this situation lasts throughout their sexual lives. The most classic condition of course is that of the individual who cannot get an erection at all unless he has his fetish object available. Common items of feminine attire that can become fetishes are, high heeled shoes, panties, bras and girdles. There are a few individuals whom we some years ago came to identify as "WGFs" which stand for "whole girl fetishists." These persons gradually expand their interest from one or two items of feminine apparel to everything-from hair to heels. When they get fully dressed they may stay home or they may go out on the town, but sometime during the event they indulge in a sexual climax. When such types get to that point in life where sexual activities and interest disappear, their interest in dressing also disappears-often much to their surprise-because it is sustained basically by the sexual experience and has insufficient appeal all by itself.